Monday, October 31, 2016


日本のイヴェントにあまりいきませんでした。何時も(いつも)クラスや会議(meetings)やラボがありました。将来のイヴェントに行きたいです(I want to go to future events)。

私が好きな(I like)日本の影響を受けた(Japanese-influenced)ミュージックビデオがありま。
(I am trying to say that there are Japanese-influenced music videos that I like, not sure if it is
properly translated.)


Trying to write this post really made me realize how little Japanese I know :(
We have definitely learned a lot in a very short period of time, but we still have a lot more material to cover. I could use the vocabulary that we know, but there is only so little to talk about if I do.

金曜日のごぜんにじにねませんでした。キャンパスの写真を撮りました。(I took pictures on campus). それは楽しさ(fun)とリラックスします。

Monday, October 24, 2016

I thought of the pun "Staryen" because "bucks" can be interpreted as dollars, but that's not why it's called Starbucks so it doesn't really make sense... oh well.

キムさん:にほんに なにが ありますか。わたし:そうですね。むろどだいらがあります。そして銀河の滝ありますよ。  
      わたし溶岩台地(lava plateau)です。きれいですよ。
   わたし:山と風景と野生動物がありますよ。(Mountains, scenery, and wildlife)

   I don't really ever go to Starbucks, but from my general knowledge, there are many more types of coffee and other beverages on the Japanese website than you normally find in the US. I feel that, generally, there are more menu items for any chain that is based in the US in Japan. They seem to have more diverse options with unique flavors, the US sticks to a few basic flavors with slight twists on them. It's pretty cool.

Formatting not on point, I don't understand but that's okay, it has character.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The jurisdiction within which my permanent residence is located

ぼくは ニュージャージーしゅうのワチュングから きました。ワチュングは 小さいです。そして、たかいです。そして、きれいです。そして、りっぱです。そして、いいです。でも、ゆめいじゃありせん。そして、あたらしくありません。ぼくは 来週 ワチュングに いいきます。

Saturday, October 1, 2016

It's yaboi カーツ coming at you with some random words and phrases.

So I tried to think of a website I knew that was (partially) in Japanese and the first thing that came to mind was the Dark Souls official website so here are some words and phrases I stole from there.

Debut Trailer


Opening Cinematic Trailer




Artorias (Character Name)


Art Book








Character Customization

I might add more words in the next 24 hours, but I wouldn't bet on it.

And on a nearly unrelated note here is a video that I played in the background while I made this blog post.