Sunday, September 25, 2016

こんしゅうまつ and HTML formatting is not my friend. We worked it out though

どようびの あさ シャワーを あびました。そして 叔父の パーティーに いきました。後で スタジアムで フットボールの試合を みました。でも べんきょうを しませんでした。 そして しゅくだいを しませんでした。後で 部屋で パーティーを しました。ごぜん よじごろ ねました。
今日の あさ じゅうじはんごろ おきました。そして あさごはんを たべました。でも べんきょうを しませんでした。 そして しゅくだいを しませんでした。あとで ひるごはんを たべませんでした。こんばんの じゅうじはんに しゅくだいを しました。いま ごぜん じゅうにじいっぷん。じゅうにじはんごろ ねます。

Sunday, September 18, 2016

A post with no theme. I just wrote what I wanted. This is a haiku.

こんばんわ? おはようございます? いまじゅにちじじゅはっぷん
Japanese is my favorite class this semester and I am having a lot of fun with it. That's not something I was expecting to say about a college course. I took Japanese on a whim, and I never had any of my friends or family actively support the decision; they either said, "oh, that's cool" or asked "why?" Despite this, I am very glad I decided to do so. I spent too long learning western languages and learning about western culture, so it seems the same to me. Obviously, there are differences in the details, but grammar rules and root words are all very similar as well as the cultural norms and beliefs. Learning about Japanese as a language and culture feels very fresh to me and it's certainly a positive.

One thing that really interests me is the connections between the United States and Japan, especially looking at how much each culture affects the other. So much of Japanese entertainment finds a market in the United States and seems to influence certain aspects of our own sub-cultures and industries. It's very interesting.

This was all sort of a stream of consciousness, but I've had these thoughts on my mind for a while. I'm glad I got around to writing them out. I feel like I should have written more in にほんご but I also don't want to copy and paste or just use words without applying them with what we've learned. I suppose that it will become easier as time passes and we get to learn more.

Because I was inspired by ウォーカーさん I'd like to end my post by leaving the opening song of an anime that I like:

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

まいにち せいかつ

わたしわ おきます。 しゃわを あびます。 あさごはんを たべます。 がっこに いきます。 うちに かいります。 ひらごはんを たべます。 がっこに いきます。 うちに かいります。 ばんごはんを たべます。 しゅくだいを します。 べんきょうします。 ねます。

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Do I title this something boring like "Post 2" or should I try to be more creative? woah, meta

わたしわ いちねんせえです。
せんこわ すがくです。
どうぞ よろしく。

There are many, many Japanese things that I find interesting. I mentioned this a bit in my previous post. I would talk about food since it is probably my favorite by far, but that's not too interesting. Most people have had Japanese food and it is easy to google. Instead, I'd rather talk about the video game series Dark Souls. I know not too many people would be that interested in the game from a "game perspective", so I'd rather talk about it in a way that would be interesting to the average person.

First, some basics. Dark Souls is a game that has many mythical and medieval influences. The player uses swords, shields, and the like to battle things like dragons and demons. It is famously known to be extremely difficult. There are two sequels in the series simply numbered 2 and 3.

I would say that it is an exceptionally profound game compared to the more commonly played games out there. There is this motif of light and dark prevalent at all times. The world started off gray, ruled by dragons. Then human-like gods discovered fire and used it to bring on an age of fire (light). But when the gods discovered their fiery souls, an insignificant being rose from the cinders of the fire and discovered a dark soul. I know this is really vague, but that's sort of the point. There is a lot of speculation as to how this is related to the player and the events of the game. I could write a ten page paper on the lore of this game, but I won't bore you. Essentially, there is this constant cycle between ages of fire and ages of dark. No matter what anyone does, the fire always fades to darkness and the embers left behind eventually reignite the fire. As the series progresses, the player goes from feeling a certain confidence in their actions, thinking that they understand what is "good" and "evil", to feeling helpless and confused. Sure, cliches would tell you that of course the light is good. These gods of fire, however, do nothing to help the player and his fellow humans. In fact, they often sacrifice and use the humans. The darkness is no better though, as the protagonist is left alone in a world of nothing. I think that this is a pretty profound metaphor for how some people must feel about the real world.

Image result for everlasting dragon Image result for dark souls gods cutscene Image result for furtive pygmy Image result for gwyn

Sorry if you read this and found it pretty boring or confusing. It's something I'm pretty passionate about but have never had the chance to actually talk or write about. If you're interested, which might be a stretch, I can always tell you more through email or something. I don't know. You don't actually have to play the games to appreciate the story, there is so much to it that I would compare it to a series of novels. There is so much more that I would love to talk about but it would be a waste of time for me and anyone reading that wasn't interested.